Directorate of Social Justice

Social Justice Department working with the concept of welfare state is underpinning socio-economic development plans of Kerala Government. for the upliftment of marginalised groups and to provide justice to the victimised

Kerala Social security mission

organized under Social Justice Department, has a mission to extend service and support to the destitute, poor, aged, children, women, chronically ill cancer patients and other weaker sections of population.

National Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

provides very comprehensive rehabilitation in the areas of physical disability as well as speech and hearing disorders through team assessment and evaluation covering case history, Physiotherapeutic needs assessment, Speech, Language & Hearing assessment, considering their Special educational, intellectual and developmental needs.

National Institute of Speech & Hearing

NISH is a comprehensive multi-purpose institute focusing on the identification, intervention, rehabilitation and education of individuals with disabilities. has made significant contributions to improving the quality of life of individuals with disabilities and has taken a pioneering effort in implementing various programs for the disabled population across the state.

State Initiative on Disabilities

SID of Kerala Social Security Mission deals with disability aspects and its management. The objective of SID is to initiate and implement programmes for the prevention, early screening, early intervention, rehabilitation, education and employment of persons with disabilities. State Initiative on Disabilities implement programme

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Kerala State Differently Abled Welfare Corporation Limited

Aims and objectives of the HPWC are to formulate, to promote and implement many schemes aimed at the rehabilitation or improvement of the living conditions of the visually impaired, the deaf and dumb, the orthopeadically handicapped and mentally retarded persons and to provide financial/technical assistance to physically disabled persons, groups and organizations engaged in handicapped persons rehabilitation and welfare.

State Commissionerate for Persons with Disabilities

The main function of the Commissionerate is monitoring the implementation of the Persons with Disabilities Act in the State. The Commissionerate is a Semi Judicial Body that can exercise the power of a Civil Court under Section 63 of the Act for the redressal of the grievances of the Persons with Disabilities.

Orphanage Control Board

Established as per State Government Gazette for the supervision and control of Homes in the State. As per the Orphanages and Other Charitable Homes (Supervision and Control) Act 1960- "home" means an institution, whether called an orphanage, a home for neglected women or children, a widow's home, or by any other name, maintained or intended to be maintained for the reception, care, protection and welfare of women or children.